Fluentify business is your business!

Help Fluentify gain more corporate clients through the Tutor Referral Program.

At Fluentify we constantly try to expand our client base and reach out to new companies that can bring us and our tutors more students.

How it works

If you know a company’s HR manager that could be a potential client for Fluentify, we would love to hear about it from you!
Fill in the info below and if the company becomes a Fluentify Client, Fluentify will reward you with a referral fee!

Your reward*:

If, thanks to you, we succeed in signing a contract, your reward will depend on the number of people the company will engage in the training plan: 

From 1 to 5 people You will receive 50€

From 6 to 10 people You will receive 100€ 
From 11 to 50 people You will receive 200€ 

From 50+ You will receive 500€

*The fee is only paid on the first customer invoice

Enter the company information and yours